Verifiche di fine anno (II quadrimestre) di italiano per tutte le classi della scuola primaria

E' ormai tempo di verifiche. In questo post ho raccolto vari link, relativi alla lingua italiana, in cui potrete trovare prove di vario tipo per tutte le classi della scuola primaria che potrebbero esservi utili. Ricordo alle colleghe ed ai colleghi che il motore di ricerca, presente in home page, è ricco di tantissimi argomenti da cui poter trarre spunto per le varie attività didattiche. Buon proficuo lavoro dal maestro Ercole! Verifiche finali di italiano per la classe prima della scuola primaria Verifiche finali di italiano per la classe seconda della scuola primaria Verifiche finali di italiano per la classe terza della scuola primaria Verifiche finali di italiano per la classe quarta della scuola primaria Verifiche finali di italiano per la classe quinta della scuola primaria Ti potrebbero interessare: Schede di grammatica e di analisi logica Scheda di grammatica: i pronomi - Spiegazioni, prove di verifica, ed esercizi di analisi grammaticale Scheda di grammatica: le preposizi

My dad



My Dad

I hear footsteps on the stairs, and I immediately run to see if it's my dad. I know he never takes the elevator.
I'm very happy because he's hardly ever home since he's a doctor.
My dad is of normal build, but he has a bit of a paunch: that's why my mom and I always tease him. He's of average height; his face is so chubby that sometimes it reminds me of a little kid. His eyes are a very expressive dark brown and immediately reveal his mood: they are understanding and sweet. His nose is regular, very proportionate to his face, and his mouth is small with thin lips. He always wears his hair very short, which is black with a few white streaks.
My dad is calm, it's hard for him to get angry and he only scolds me when I do something really big. He's very helpful because in the evening, even if he's tired, as soon as he finishes eating, he immediately plays chess or cards with me; when he teaches me a sport or a game, he's very patient because he explains things clearly and if I don't understand them, he repeats them to me.
My dad and I have a great time together, while we are intent on the game we hear "Drin, drin"; it's the phone ringing. I always hope it's a friend of mine or my mom's, but with great disappointment I discover every time that it's a patient of my dad's: we have to interrupt the game and unfortunately also put it away because dad has to leave. I, disappointed, go back to my room or to the kitchen with my mom.
In short, I wish my dad had more time to spend with me, even though I understand that his work is essential for everyone's life.

Excerpt from the book "Il maestro sembra un clown" edizioni CEI Imperia 1996
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