Verifiche di fine anno (II quadrimestre) di italiano per tutte le classi della scuola primaria

E' ormai tempo di verifiche. In questo post ho raccolto vari link, relativi alla lingua italiana, in cui potrete trovare prove di vario tipo per tutte le classi della scuola primaria che potrebbero esservi utili. Ricordo alle colleghe ed ai colleghi che il motore di ricerca, presente in home page, è ricco di tantissimi argomenti da cui poter trarre spunto per le varie attività didattiche. Buon proficuo lavoro dal maestro Ercole! Verifiche finali di italiano per la classe prima della scuola primaria Verifiche finali di italiano per la classe seconda della scuola primaria Verifiche finali di italiano per la classe terza della scuola primaria Verifiche finali di italiano per la classe quarta della scuola primaria Verifiche finali di italiano per la classe quinta della scuola primaria Ti potrebbero interessare: Schede di grammatica e di analisi logica Scheda di grammatica: i pronomi - Spiegazioni, prove di verifica, ed esercizi di analisi grammaticale Scheda di grammatica: le preposizi

Learning how to write a text appropriate to the addressee

 Learning how to write a text appropriate to the addressee

Let’s write and read through the following texts:
  1. The Trip
My mum woke me up saying: “Wake up, lazybones!”
That’s right. I don’t understand how such an integral part of my body can be used as an insult. But I got up anyway, I got ready and I set out, or setted out or however you spell that past tense, towards the school bus. The school trip to Mt. Resegone was a complete blast, from start to finish. We made so much noise, we were unstoppable.
The driver, a touchy and hostile man, kept instigating confrontation. But who cares! He was such a pain! We had so much fun! We could not stop laughing! Even the teachers were laughing non-stop.
  1. The trip
That morning my mum woke me up saying: “Wake up, lazybones!”
I turned the other way, but then I remembered that I was supposed to leave for my school trip that morning and I got up right away. I set out, or setted out, I should check the correct grammar, towards the school. The coach had already arrived.
Our trip to the Resegone mountain was so much fun. Among chants and laughter the fun was endless. The driver who, to be honest, was a pretty touchy and hostile guy, kept telling us off and protesting, but we did not listen to him. We were too busy laughing, and even the teachers were laughing with us.

Let’s compare the two texts and consider the type of communication they constitute.

What is the topic of the texts? The topic of the texts is a school trip.
Who is the addressee of the first text? The addressee of the first text is a schoolmate.
Who is the addressee of the second text? The addressee of the second text is a teacher.
In what do the two texts differ and why? The two texts differ in tone because the addressees are different.
Is the content of the texts different? No.

To conclude: a text should be tailored to the addressee, who determines its style and its tone. As homework, children could be asked to write two different texts, one addressed to the teacher and one addressed to a schoolmate on the topic: “A harsh joke”

Translation by Chiara Amoretti

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