Un racconto per amare di più la natura e meno il cellulare: "Il Bosco Incantato di Pixel" (creato da Copilot microsoft)

**Il Bosco Incantato di Pixel** C'era una volta un bosco incantato chiamato Pixel, dove gli alberi sussurravano storie antiche e i fiori danzavano al ritmo del vento. In questo bosco magico, viveva un piccolo folletto di nome Luce, che aveva il potere di far brillare le cose con un semplice tocco. Un giorno, Luce notò che i bambini del villaggio vicino passavano tutto il loro tempo a fissare dei piccoli rettangoli luminosi, chiamati cellulari, dimenticandosi di giocare all'aria aperta. Preoccupato, Luce decise di usare la sua magia per mostrare ai bambini la bellezza della natura. Con un pizzico di polvere di stelle, Luce fece sì che ogni cellulare mostrasse immagini del bosco incantato. Gli alberi sembravano così reali che i bambini sentirono il profumo del muschio e il canto degli uccellini. Incantati, misero da parte i cellulari e corsero verso il bosco. Arrivati nel bosco, i bambini scoprirono un mondo di meraviglie. Inseguirono farfalle arcobaleno, costruirono castelli di

Composition: "Are audiovisual devices (TV, computer and internet, DVD player, Play Station, games…) really an advantage of our times? Express your opinion".


Are audiovisual devices (TV, computer and internet, DVD player, Play Station, games…) really an advantage of our times? Express your opinion.

  • Beginning: introduce the topic with a question.
  • Central situation: Explain the positive and negative aspects of audiovisual devices
  • Final situation: conclude with your opinion.
Are audiovisual devices really an advantage of our times?
In our time, we have many audiovisual devices, each with positive and negative aspects: they can be used to relax, but we shouldn’t exaggerate because they can cause illness to various parts of our bodies.
Television is an audiovisual device from which we get information, through programs such as news shows and documentaries; it is also a means of entertainment because it plays comedies, films and cartoons. The downside is there are also programs that are not fit for children our age.
Television is not indispensible, so in the afternoon we should play in the open air instead of watching it.
Computer is much more powerful than television, but very dangerous as it can provoke finger inflammation, sitting for too long in uncomfortable positions can provoke spine malformations, and virus and hackers can destroy your computer.
The upside of computers is that you can send messages through email, moreover it is very valuable for workers: surveyors, doctors and architects use the computer a lot for their job.
The computer also allows you to surf the internet with parental supervision, but that contains dangerous and vulgar websites.
The DVD player is different from television, because you can choose what to play on it, but it has the same risks. Play Station and videogames are a lot of fun, but it is a lot better for us kids to play football or relax with reading a book or a comic.
I think that audiovisual devices can help us with studying, working or with our free time if we know how to use them, and especially if we don’t overuse them.

Davide, 5th grade, second term.

Translation by Chiara Amoretti

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